About me

Marie-Elise Chateau, PhD

With a background in Surface Chemistry, today I am coach for companies and individuals in Basel region. I support employees, managers and teams in the development of emotional intelligence. My coaching style is based on my international experience in the industry as project and laboratory manager.

From gaining my PhD in Surface Chemistry and my professional experience as a chemist I have seen how the human factor can significantly influence the success of projects and enterprises. This awareness is the reason why I have taken the path to become a coach; enable others to recognise their strengths and to develop their talents, is my motivator.

Outside of my professional life I am active in my home town’s community life. I am president of an association “Trait convivial” which organises events and projects to bring people together (For example: “Adventskalender” and “pedibus” projects). Creating networks, enabling and supporting is a passion and motivator for me both professionally and personally.

My interests:

  • Cycling vacations with my family in Loire Valley in France and The Netherlands
  • Singing in the Basel choir “Vecinos”
  • Gardening and learning about permaculture
  • Climbing with my children
  • Exploring Basel and the three country region

Curriculum Vitae

2016 - 2017:
Coaching Cours (ICA, Institut de Coaching d’Alsace) www.coachingformation.eu
2008 - 2015:
Labor management, Obrist Closures, Reinach, Basel
Internal cours:
„Negotiation awareness and development workshop“
„Führungsgrundlagen für Teamchefs“ (Centre Patronal Kurs, Bern)
2004 - 2007:
Engineer in customer technical support, Alco / National Starch, Luzern
Internal cours:
„Presentation skills, time management, cultural awareness“
2000 - 2004:
PhD „Powder and Technology“, Ecole des Mines d’Albi
„Training cours given to engineer students in Powder Technology“
1997 - 2000:
R&D engineer in Sweden (SCA Research AB + Perstorp AB)
1996 - 1997:
MSc (D.E.S.S.) in Surface Chemistry, Technical University (U.T.C), Compiègne
1994 - 1996:
BSc in industrial Chemistry, Lyon University
Training: development of paints (Peintures Maestria, Pamiers)
Training: development of industrial adhesives (Uzin GmbH, Ulm)
1991- 1994:
Two years University degree in science (D.E.U.G.A.), Dijon University
A Level in mathematics and science in Le Creusot, Bourgogne